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Night Stalker

人気: #58

リーダーボード: #16

Ban Rank: #24

KDA Rank: #17

Enpowered by the shadows of nightfall

Once the sun goes down, Night Stalker's hunt begins. Charging through the shadowy forests, he snares prey in a slowing void as he tears them to shreds. Should sunrise threaten to end his terror, he can darken the skies to extend his onslaught.

勝率 52.3%
ピック率 7.3%
night stalker Image

506 +66/lvl

180 +19.2/lvl

Strength Image

23 +3/lvl

Agility Image

18 +2.2/lvl

Intelligence Image

15 +1.6/lvl



40 - 44 + 2.2/レベル (103.8 - 107.8 レベル 30)






2 + 0.4/レベル (13.6 レベル 30)














no_vision icon

Blinding Void

勝率: 53.3%

ピック率: 33.1%

Enemies affected by Void do not share vision with their allies. Affected enemies take damage per second when they are not visible to their allies.


Enemies affected by Void do not share vision with their allies. Affected enemies take damage per second when they are not visible to their allies.



moon icon

Night Reign

勝率: 51.7%

ピック率: 66.9%

The game now starts at night instead of day. Night is longer than day.






Innate Ability Image

Heart of Darkness

During the night, Night Stalker's health regeneration is increased by 40%, and during the day it is decreased by 20%.



Creates a damaging void that slows an enemy unit, reduces its vision and deals damage. At night, Void also mini-stuns, interrupting channeling abilities, and its effects lasts longer.

  • AFFECTS:unit



  • DEBUFF:yes

  • damage:80 / 160 / 240 / 320

  • duration day:1.25

  • duration night:2.5 / 3 / 3.5 / 4

  • movespeed slow:-50

  • attackspeed slow:-50

  • vision penalty:100 / 200 / 300 / 400

  • invisible damage tickrate:0.1

Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch

+80 Void Damage

Cool Down

11 / 10 / 9 / 8

Mana Cost

90 / 95 / 100 / 105


Crippling Fear

Night Stalker horrifies all nearby enemies, causing them to become silenced and take damage over time while near him. The effect lasts longer at night.


  • duration day:3

  • duration night:4.5 / 5 / 5.5 / 6

  • mana interval:1

  • radius:375

  • dps:25 / 30 / 35 / 40

  • tick rate:0.1

Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch

+20 Crippling Fear DPS

Cool Down

30 / 25 / 20 / 15

Mana Cost


Hunter in the Night

Night Stalker is in his element at night, attacking and moving with great swiftness.

  • PASSIVE:Breakable

  • bonus movement speed pct night:22 / 28 / 34 / 40

  • bonus attack speed night:20 / 40 / 60 / 80

Aghanim ScepterAghanim Shard

Aghanim`s Shard Upgrade

Hunter in the Night may be cast on a creep, instantly killing it and restoring some of Night Stalker's maximum health and mana. Cannot target ancients during the daytime.

  • AbilityManaCost:50

Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch

+35% Hunter in the Night Status Resistance

Talent tree branch

+100 Hunter In The Night Attack Speed


Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branchTalent tree branch

+80 Void Damage

+6s Dark Ascension Duration

Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branchTalent tree branch

+25 Dark Ascension Damage

+35% Hunter in the Night Status Resistance

Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branchTalent tree branch

+20 Crippling Fear DPS

+20 Strength

Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branchTalent tree branch

+100 Hunter In The Night Attack Speed

-50s Dark Ascension Cooldown


Run to mid as you load into the game and scout for opponents' midlaner placing observer ward.

Night Stalker has great night vision but very limited day vision.

If you took the Blinding Void facet, look to survive through the first 5 minutes of the game and ideally have phase boots as the night hits.

Use Void to secure ranged creep last hits.

Try to manipulate creep lane equilibrium to get it closer to your tower during the day time.

If you took the Blinding Void facet, keep a skill point or opt to skill Crippling Fear as the first night approaches if it is necessary to score a kill.

Play and farm aggressively during the night time and provide additional vision for your team.

When going for a kill, be careful with Voiding right away as the opponent might just teleport out.

Avoid fighting when it's daytime and Dark Ascension is down, play defensively or push out lanes.

Prioritize dealing with backliners and supports in fights, especially once you have Blink Dagger.

With the Night Reign facet, Look to apply pressure in the first 5 mins of the game and get ahead during this time to eventually make use of your ultimate.


If Night Stalker took the Blinding Void facet, he is weak in the first 5 minutes of the game. Pressure him early.

If Night Stalker took the Blinding Void facet, he will fight you at the 5 minute mark, as night time will hit.

Night Stalker's Dark Ascension will allow him to see you inside or behind trees.

Look to fight during daytime and when Dark Ascension is down.

Force Staff and Hurricane Pike are great items against Night Stalker's Crippling Fear.

Break effects remove Hunter in the Night and Nightstalker becomes significantly weaker.

If Night Stalker took the Night Reign facet, look to apply pressure before he reaches his level 6 during day time.


Of the Night Stalker, there is no history, only stories. There are ancient tales woven into the lore of every race and every culture, of an impossible time before sunlight and daytime, when night reigned alone and the world was covered with the creatures of darkness--creatures like Balanar the Night Stalker. It is said that on the dawn of the First Day, all the night creatures perished. All, that is, save one. Evil's embodiment, Night Stalker delights in his malevolence. He created the primal role of the Night Terror, the Boogeyman, and as long as there have been younglings, his is the specter summoned to terrify them. This is a role he relishes; nor are these empty theatrics. He does indeed stalk the unwary, the defenseless, those who have strayed beyond the lighted paths or denied the warnings of their communities. Night Stalker serves as living proof that every child's worst nightmare....is true.

Dota コーチのロゴ
赤と白のロゴにスタイライズされたフォントで「Dota Coach」の文字。
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