赤と白のロゴにスタイライズされたフォントで「Dota Coach」の文字。
Dota コーチのロゴDota コーチのロゴDota コーチのロゴDota コーチのロゴ


人気: #107

リーダーボード: #121

Ban Rank: #12

KDA Rank: #17

Demolishes his enemies with swarms of machines

Tinker demolishes foes with swarms of machines and a host of deadly gadgets. If he can gather the resources he needs, the power that instantly refreshes his abilities enables him to lead his team from every front.

勝率 43.6%
ピック率 2.5%
tinker Image

418 +50.6/lvl

360 +39.6/lvl

Strength Image

19 +2.3/lvl

Agility Image

17 +1.4/lvl

Intelligence Image

30 +3.3/lvl



22 - 28 + 1.4/レベル (62.6 - 68.6 レベル 30)






4 + 0.2/レベル (9.8 レベル 30)














healing icon

Repair Bots

勝率: 42.0%

ピック率: 16.4%

March of the Machines applies a non-stacking heal over time when passing through allied heroes.

March of the Machines

March of the Machines applies a non-stacking heal over time when passing through allied heroes.





movement icon


勝率: 43.9%

ピック率: 83.6%

When a Self-Defense Matrix barrier on Tinker is fully absorbed, he blinks in a random forward direction. DISPEL TYPE: Basic Dispel

Defense Matrix

When a Self-Defense Matrix barrier on Tinker is fully absorbed, he blinks in a random forward direction. DISPEL TYPE: Basic Dispel




Innate Ability Image


Tinker gains 1% item cooldown reduction per 3 Intelligence, up to a maximum of 60%.



Fires an intense energy beam, damaging and blinding the target. Blinded targets miss all physical attacks.

  • AFFECTS:unit



  • DEBUFF:yes

  • miss rate:100

  • duration:3 / 3.5 / 4 / 4.5

  • laser damage:75 / 150 / 225 / 300

  • splash pct:100

Aghanim ScepterAghanim Shard

Aghanim`s Scepter Upgrade

Upgrades Tinker's Laser into a Shrink Ray, reducing the main target's size, current health, and maximum health by 10 (stacking). The laser bounces once on the farthest target up to 700 range from the primary one, prioritizing heroes.

    Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch

    +40 Laser Damage

    Talent tree branch

    250 AoE Laser

    Cool Down

    19 / 18 / 17 / 16

    Mana Cost

    95 / 105 / 115 / 125


    March of the Machines


    • AFFECTS:area

    • PASSIVE:No

    • radius:900

    • collision radius:50

    • splash radius:150

    • duration:6

    • speed:400

    • machines per sec:24

    • distance:1800

    • damage:17 / 26 / 35 / 44

    Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch

    +1s March of the Machines Duration

    Cool Down

    35 / 33 / 31 / 29

    Mana Cost

    90 / 110 / 130 / 150


    Defense Matrix

    Targets an allied unit, applying an all damage barrier to them that also provides Status Resistance.

    • AFFECTS:unit

    • PASSIVE:No

    • DISPELLABLE:basic

    • BUFF:yes

    • damage absorb:100 / 180 / 240 / 320

    • status resistance:10 / 20 / 30 / 40

    • barrier duration:15

    • flicker angle:90

    Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch

    +125 Defense Matrix Damage Absorbed

    Talent tree branch

    +10% Defense Matrix Status Resistance

    Cool Down


    Mana Cost

    70 / 80 / 90 / 100



    CHANNELED - Resets the cooldown on Tinker's abilities.

    • PASSIVE:No

    Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch

    Rearm Grants 50% Bonus Magic Resistance

    Cool Down

    7 / 6 / 5

    Mana Cost

    100 / 150 / 200

    Warp Flare

    Throws a flare towards an enemy, dealing damage, teleporting them away, rooting them and reducing their Cast and Attack Range for 2 seconds.

    • AFFECTS:unit

    • PASSIVE:No

    • DISPELLABLE:basic

    • DEBUFF:yes

    • damage:150

    • knockback distance:600

    • range reduction:40

    • debuff duration:2

    Cool Down


    Mana Cost



    Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branchTalent tree branch

    +1s March of the Machines Duration

    +8% Manacost/Manaloss Reduction

    Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branchTalent tree branch

    +125 Defense Matrix Damage Absorbed

    +40 Laser Damage

    Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branchTalent tree branch

    +10% Defense Matrix Status Resistance

    -0.5s Keen Conveyance Channel Time

    Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branchTalent tree branch

    250 AoE Laser

    Rearm Grants 50% Bonus Magic Resistance


    You can use Laser to blind the enemy hero and secure or deny creeps while your opponent cannot do any right click damage.

    If the enemy laner does not have great HP regeneration, you can whittle them down with Laser spam along with right clicks and March of the Machines.

    Ask your teammates to stack and make some yourself. You can clear multiple jungle camps and ancients with March of the Machines.

    Look around the map to join fights or gank. Be careful not to expose yourself, especially before Blink Dagger.

    Take your time and farm Blink Dagger as it greatly improves your survivability and kill potential.

    Make sure to apply Defense Matrix on yourself before teleporting out of the base.

    Alert your teammates to not fight at places where you cannot join them quickly.

    Look for arcane and regeneration runes as you'll be able to pump in so much more damage in the fights.

    Fight under your vision to position yourself in a safe spot for the Laser and March of the Machines spam. You can even place the wards yourself.

    Avoid trapping yourself in tree lines where the enemy team might have an observer ward on a cliff.

    You can smoke yourself here and there as another layer of protection in the fights.

    Keep buyback available as you can rejoin the fights almost instantly.

    Tinker is an insane highground defender. Don't give up and lift up your team's morale.


    Tranquil Boots are great against Tinker as they don't break by his magical damage.

    Look to gank midlane Tinker early on as he doesn't have an escape.

    Tinker tends to make a lot of stacks in the jungle. Contest them or sentry off camps.

    Avoid using long lasting disables and debuffs on a hero shielded with Defense Matrix due to its high status resistance.

    Focus Tinker in fights as he's squishy but does insane amounts of damage.

    Be aware of Tinker's Blink Dagger timing.

    Magic resistance items, Black King Bar or a well timed Lotus Orb are great against Tinker.

    Gap closing items are great at getting on top of Tinker.

    Tinker is great at split-pushing. Consider getting Boots of Travel on a core.

    Place Tinker wards at the outer jungles of the map. Consider camping those spots under the ward.

    It is really hard to push highground against Tinker. Be patient and take fights outside the base.

    Against the Translocator facet, try to root or silence Tinker only after you break through his Defense Matrix as he gets a basic dispel when the shield expires.


    Boush である Tinker の一族は知性、狡猾さと魔術とのやっかいな関係性で知られている。彼らは誇りの下に英知だけで生き残り、論理的な方法論を通してのみ解放される自然の力のみを使用する。自制が大きな問題となったとしても、Boush として証明できる。かつて Tinker は、霧に包まれた Violet Plateau(紫高原)荒野の地下にあると噂される研究所を設立し、自然の働きに関する大規模な研究を指揮していた。Boush とその弟子たちは、魔術師がこの世界に送り込む危険について軽蔑していたにも関わらず、横柄にも彼らの理解を超えた領域に足を踏み入れてしまい、その結果悪夢を世界に先導してしまった。 Violet Plateau内の洞穴のような内部から黒い霧が立ち上り永遠に続く恐怖の音を放出する永遠の闇がそれを覆った。後に Violet Plateau 事件と呼ばれるあの人生き延びた Tinker は、知性と持っていた仕掛けだけを使用して脱出した Boush 只一人であった。

    Dota コーチのロゴ
    赤と白のロゴにスタイライズされたフォントで「Dota Coach」の文字。
    Dota 2は Valve Corporationの登録商標です。当サイトはValve Corporationとは関係ありません。全てのゲーム画像と名称はValve Corporationに帰属します。
    © 2024 ドタ・コーチ
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