赤と白のロゴにスタイライズされたフォントで「Dota Coach」の文字。
Dota コーチのロゴDota コーチのロゴDota コーチのロゴDota コーチのロゴ


人気: #23

リーダーボード: #9

Ban Rank: #17

KDA Rank: #92

Can silence all enemies on the map

Silencer changes the dynamic of every battle when he shuts down the enemy's ability to cast their spells. As he cuts his foes to ribbons with his glaive, he steals their intelligence to add to his own, ensuring his foes are always at a disadvantage.

勝率 52.9%
ピック率 13.0%
silencer Image

418 +48.4/lvl

300 +34.8/lvl

Strength Image

19 +2.2/lvl

Agility Image

22 +2.4/lvl

Intelligence Image

25 +2.9/lvl



18 - 32 + 2.4/レベル (87.6 - 101.6 レベル 30)






0 + 0.4/レベル (11.6 レベル 30)














silencer icon

勝率: 52.9%

ピック率: 50.6%

debuff icon

Reverberating Silence

勝率: 52.9%

ピック率: 49.4%

The first time Global Silence ends on a unit it is applied again.

Global Silence

The first time Global Silence ends on a unit it is applied again.






Innate Ability Image

Brain Drain

If Silencer kills an enemy hero, he permanently steals 2 Intelligence.


Arcane Curse

Curses the target area, causing enemy heroes to take damage over time and slowing their movement speed. If a target casts a spell, they are silenced for 2 seconds. The duration is paused as long as the target is silenced.

  • AFFECTS:area



  • DEBUFF:yes

  • damage:16 / 24 / 32 / 40

  • AbilityCharges:0 / 0 / 0 / 0

  • radius:350

  • duration:6

  • movespeed:-10 / -15 / -20 / -25

  • silence duration:2

Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch

+10 Arcane Curse Damage

Talent tree branch

Arcane Curse Undispellable

Talent tree branch

2 Arcane Curse charges

Cool Down

22 / 20 / 18 / 16

Mana Cost

120 / 130 / 140 / 150


Glaives of Wisdom

Silencer enchants his glaives with his wisdom, stealing his target's Intelligence with each hit and dealing additional damage based on his Intelligence. After 4 attacks on the same target, that enemy will be silenced for 2.5 seconds.

  • AFFECTS:unit


  • DEBUFF:yes

  • intellect damage pct:20 / 40 / 60 / 80

  • int steal:1 / 2 / 3 / 4

  • int steal duration:20 / 25 / 30 / 35

  • stacks for silence:4

  • silence duration:2.5

  • debuff linger duration:3 / 4 / 5 / 6

Aghanim ScepterAghanim Shard

Aghanim`s Shard Upgrade

Increases Stolen Intelligence per hit and steal duration.

  • int steal:1

  • int steal duration:50

Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch

1 Glaives of Wisdom Bounce

Talent tree branch

+25% Glaives of Wisdom Damage

Mana Cost


Last Word

Enemies within 1200 range of Silencer are slowed and damaged every second for each Silence they have on them.

  • PASSIVE:Breakable


  • damage per silence:20 / 30 / 40 / 50

  • slow per silence:6 / 9 / 12 / 15

  • radius:1200

Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch

+20/5% Last Word Damage/Slow


Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branchTalent tree branch

+10 Arcane Curse Damage

+20 Attack Speed

Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branchTalent tree branch

-20s Global Silence Cooldown

+20/5% Last Word Damage/Slow

Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branchTalent tree branch

1 Glaives of Wisdom Bounce

Arcane Curse Undispellable

Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branchTalent tree branch

+25% Glaives of Wisdom Damage

2 Arcane Curse charges


Use Arcane Curse when you expect opponents to cast a spell.

Clicking Glaives of Wisdom on an enemy hero doesn't draw creep aggro.

To steal intelligence from a dying hero you have to have Glaives of Wisdom skilled and be within 925 of dying hero or be the one who scores the kill.

Combining the Arcane Curse silence with Last Word does a lot of damage.

Be aware of what happens on the map, so you can use Global Silence when needed.

Using Global Silence defensively is fine, but ideally use it during fights. Make moves when it is off cooldown.

Many items dispel Global Silence. Be patient and don't waste it at the start of a fight.


Glaives of Wisdom are great for harassing as Silencer doesn't pull aggro and the damage ramps up.

Silencers Arcane Curse silences and does more damage if you cast a spell while under the effect of it.

Global Silence has a long cooldown. Look to fight after it was used.

Items that provide dispel are great against Silencer's silences.


Part of the seventh and final generation of a carefully designed pedigree, Nortrom was bred by the ancient order of the Aeol Drias to be the greatest magic user the world had ever seen. He was the prophesied one, the culmination of two-hundred years of careful pairings, a war-mage who would bring glory to the order, and destruction to their sworn enemies, The Knights of the Fold. Raised with other young mages in a hidden cantonment among the hills of the Hazhadal barrens, the order's preceptors waited for Nortrom's abilities to manifest. While the other students honed their talents with fire, or ice, or incantatory spells, Nortrom sat silent and talentless, unable to cast so much as a hex. As the day of final testing approached, he still hadn't found his magic. In disgust, the preceptors berated him, while the children laughed. "You are no mage," the head of the order declared. Still, Nortrom did not slink away. He entered the day of testing and faced down the young mages who had mocked him. And then his preceptors learned a valuable lesson: a lack of magic can be the greatest magic of all. Nortrom silenced the young mages one by one and defeated them in single combat, until he alone stood as champion of the Aeol Drias, in fulfillment of the prophecy.

Dota コーチのロゴ
赤と白のロゴにスタイライズされたフォントで「Dota Coach」の文字。
Dota 2は Valve Corporationの登録商標です。当サイトはValve Corporationとは関係ありません。全てのゲーム画像と名称はValve Corporationに帰属します。
© 2024 ドタ・コーチ
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